You can download FREE versions of both books below. They are in pdf format. (Paperback versions are available at Search for "The Action Manual New ideas" (OR ISBN-10 : 1523493364); "The Action Manual Lite New ideas" (OR ISBN-10 : 152360087X)
The full-size Manual is written for those who want and need a comprehensive explanation of what the National Character Program is about, why it is being promoted, for whom, and contains details of a theoretically-sound Vision and a practical Plan. It runs 376 pages, including graphics.
The Manual is detailed enough and designed to convince intellectuals, academics, hi-level policy people, and similar others of the validity and practicality of the Vision and Plan. (Note and apology: the Manual can be wordy and weighty in some sections. After four major write throughs the author has determined that enough is enough. The ideas are what is important and they are plentiful and hopefully elegantly constructed into a new paradigm accessible enough for most readers.)
The Manual, Lite runs 111 pages and is meant to summarize the Vision and Plan for those not inclined to read a lengthy political science exposition. HOWEVER, reading the Full Manual is a much preferred way to understand the Program.
The books are subject to licensing as noted below. They are being distributed under a Creative Commons license.
Table of Contents
Introduction………………………….……..………………p. 5
Chapter 1-A Story Outline……………………………..…p. 11
Chapter 2-The Characters………………………….…….p. 57
Chapter 3-The Setting…………………………………….p. 93
Chapter 4-The Back Story…………..……………..…..…p. 139
The Narrative Chapters:
Chapter 5-The Functions…………………………………p. 153
Chapter 6-Values………………………………..…………p. 187
Chapter 7-What Do We Want?………………………..…p. 217
Chapter 8-The Program………………………………..…p. 257
Chapter 9-What’s Next?…………..…………….……..…p. 293
Appendix A-Framing………………………………….….p. 349
Appendix B-Problem-Solving Approaches……….……p. 365
Appendix C-Contact Information…………………….…p. 377
About the Author/Credits………………………………..p. 379
The Action Manual and the Action Manual, Lite
by New Ideas
Copyright ⓒ 2015 the small life company, inc.
Published by the small life company, inc.
New York State
December 2015: First Edition
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
This license allows others to download the book and share it with others as long as they credit the publisher but they can’t change it in any way or use it commercially.
Noncommercial uses are thus permitted without any further permission from the copyright owner.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license are administered by the small life company, inc. Information on how to request permission may be obtained at:
Trademark: The term “National Character Program”™ is trademarked and all rights are reserved.