27. June 2020
The New Public Values, Post-Capitalism No Smoking! LBGT+! #MeToo! Black Lives Matter!—The “Public Interest”—The Next New Public Value? There is a growing list of major perspective and value changes in American society over recent times. They include the no-smoking movement, sexual and gender orientation liberation, #MeToo, and the rapidly developing Black Lives Matter movement. All of these movements involve new ways of seeing and thinking about social issues. The new ways of seeing and...
15. June 2020
The union movement has suffered a continuing series of body blows to its status and influence since its heydays in the 1940’s-50’s and it is being set up to take another big one now, from the attitudes of one of its own towards the Black Lives Matter movement– police unions.
08. June 2020
A Big Picture view on the Police-Civil society reform issue.
11. May 2020
Why does a society comprised of so many reasonable, competent, and responsible people allow itself to have a have leadership whose claims to hierarchy come from mere will and ego-driven marketing skills?
29. April 2020
The greedy are raping and pillaging again! How can we stop it?
15. March 2017
The populist “revolt” globally crippling liberal democracy; rejecting reason and science in policymaking and governance; and rejecting globalism, tolerance, and diversity is a major regression of the Enlightenment goal of steadily improving society and governance.
26. February 2017
How to see anything correctly about social organization and quality of governance requires a new paradigm. What that paradigm is and how it will work is what The Action Manual is all about. he recognizes that we need a new social ethos and set of public values. It emphasizes that public citizens (a large majority of Americans) need to assert themselves against the private ones.
26. February 2017
Unions still are a major component of any approach to improving the lives the little people. But, they have to reformulate themselves. They have to become general interests (not special interests), they have to become “holy” and redeem their role as part of a generalized humanistic, progressive movement.
26. February 2017
The tables have turned! The intense rage, resentment, and frustration which characterizes much of the Tea Party advocates over the past decade or so are now becoming part of the scorned American left and liberals. (See 1-23-2017 NY Times article: http://nyti.ms/2iYlwaJ ) The newly-disaffected advocates on the other side of the political spectrum are now engaging in protests, public venting, irate critiques and mockery of the new winning class of conservatives, evangelicals, and abused working...
26. February 2017
The Little People need a fresh, modern version of an American society emphasizing a new set of public values and a new social ethos – collective interest and fairness, a “brain” in government (i. e. rationality in policymaking), enhanced professionalism and trustworthiness in governance, more reliance on science and technology in policymaking, inclusiveness, and a new set of informal institutions which the “little people” operate themselves to pushback upon the elite class.